Creativity comes in many forms

By Jeanne

My mom is an artist. She’s gone through many phases in my lifetime, from potting to needlepoint, from acrylic paints to watercolor. My favorite are her watercolors, which are mostly iris. She’s truly talented. And I had fun growing up doing ‘art stuff’. But since my drawing and painting skills are limited to stick figures…

Developing strength

By Jeanne

I had a conversation this week that got the gears in my head moving. This guy’s claim was that every strength I have today was once a weakness. While the guy was trying to sell me something, the premise struck a chord. At the time, it made me think back on what I’ve learned over the…

5 Life Lessons: #4

By Jeanne

Put forth maximum effort. Put everything into what you do and you’ll get noticed. This really links to lesson 3 – love what you do. When you love what you do, it’s easier to make the effort to push past good enough. Things happen when you put maximum effort into your work. You feel a…

5 Life Lessons: #3

By Jeanne

Follow your dreams, but don’t be surprised when your path takes a few unexpected turns. This lesson is about choosing a career that makes you happy. Life is too short to hate your job. When you hate your job, you are unhappy for a good portion of your time. Life is way too short for…

5 Life Lessons: #2

By Jeanne

Follow your heart and put a high value on it. There is some similarity between this lesson and my first one to follow your instincts. Your gut tells you when something is right or wrong. When it comes to love, this is especially important. Yes, I know when the heart speaks it’s hard to listen…